Beauty Point House

Beauty Point House is an alterations and additions to a 90’s concrete home. Stunningly located right on the headland, 3 wings surround a central double height drum-like atrium. Rationally geometric organisation allows for all rooms to take incredible advantage of 270-degree views.

It was essential to break the circular symmetry to generate a new spatial hierarchy. A new axis through the building creates a grand sense of entry and orients one when inside the foyer or moving between wings.

Enhancement of the indoor-outdoor relationships drove an elegant, simple, and thoughtful design language. A new layer of metal portal structures critically frames outlook, strengthening connections to outdoor living and garden spaces.

A series of transition spaces are further reinforced by introducing deep timber portals between internal rooms. The beautifully rich 500m wide floorboards are carried around the portal, acting as a threshold, simultaneously defining and connecting different spaces and their uses.


The simple and thoughtful design language sought to minimise the intervention on the building as much as possible – reducing the amount of construction will inherently decrease building footprint and impact. Additionally, opening facades for the indoor-outdoor connections increases ventilation, maximising passive cooling, along with strategic shading of outdoor spaces.


 Architecture Saville Isaacs

Mosman Design Awards ©2025

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